Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
- Www.cosmic-chains.com.com uses cookies for three purposes:
- When you add an item to the basket we set a cookie so that as you continue to view other pages on the website we can keep track of your basket. This cookie just stores a unique basket reference number. It does not store any personal information and does not even store what is in your basket. It will expire when you complete checkout or after three hours if you leave without going through checkout. If you choose to block these cookies the website may not work correctly for you (you may find items do not remain in your basket as you browse the website).
- If you clicked a link from one of our affiliate adverts a cookie is used to track this so that the correct affiliate gets credit for the referral. This cookie just stores an affiliate reference and does not store any personal information. It will expire after 30 days. If you choose block these cookies the website will continue to work as normal for you.
- Via a third party service, Google Analytics, we use cookies to record information such as how long users remain on the website and which pages they visit. This helps us improve our website for the benefit of all our visitors and customers. The information from this service is only made available in a combined form with that of all other users to give general statistical information. We cannot tell what pages specific people viewed. If you choose block these cookies the website will continue to work as normal for you, although page loading may be slightly slower.
- None of these cookies store any personal data about you, nor can they be used to identify you in any way. Our cookies can only be accessed by our website, and we cannot access cookies from any other websites, so we can only actually get back information we have previously sent.
- By using the website without blocking cookies you accept that cookies will be used and stored on your computer as detailed above.
- If you wish to block some or all of these cookies please refer to the help system in your web browser. With the range of different browsers available (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari etc) together with different version numbers and operating systems we cannot give specific instructions here. However in most cases you should check the settings in Options – Privacy or similar.
- If you choose to block our cookies or all cookies and are then unable to order online, you are welcome to order by telephone instead.